Ashy Dermatosis/Erythema Dyschromicum perstans/Lichen Planus Pigmentosus Global Consensus Forum
Conveners: Associate Prof Prasad Kumarasinghe and Prof Davinder Parsad
The recent meeting held during the American Academy of Dermatologists, in Washington DC on 6th March 2016 was sponsored by Asian Society for Pigment Cell Research.
Ashy dermatosis(AD), lichen planus pigmentosus(LPP) and erythema dyschromicum perstans(EDP) present as acquired small and large macules of hyperpigmentation. They are considered to be the same condition by some and they are considered as different entities by others. Furthermore a similar but smaller macules of acquired hyperpigmentation termed idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation and a further addition, idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation with papillomatosis appear to confuse the readers on acquired large and small macule hyperpigmentation of uncertain aetiology.
Many patients all over the world suffer from this condition/these conditions as there is no effective widely accepted treatment.
This Forum was initially established after the Panel Discussion on the same subject which was held during the International Pigment Cell conference(IPCC) held in Singapore in 2014. The second meeting was held during the World Congress of Dermatology held in 2015 in Vancouver Canada.
Experts from many countries world over participated in the deliberations in Washington DC. An interesting discussion ensued at this meeting . We are getting closer to a consensus on several crucial areas. The minutes will be circulated soon among the members. This forum has also led to planning g of a global prospective multicentre study on the condition. This study is spearheaded by Prof Amit Pandya.
A document will be compiled by the conveners and sent to the members of the global consensus forum with a view to publication.