12-13th November 2016
Prof Eric Lan and his team welcome all of you to the upcoming ASPCR annual meeting in the vibrant city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
This congress is held in collaboration with the Taiwanese Dermatological Association.
Do join us for what will be an exciting academic and social programme.
Kaohsiung Exhibition Center,
Kaohsiung City,
Click here for more information.
Travel Awards to the 8th Annual Meeting of ASPCR (ASPCR2016)
Up to 5 Travel Grants of USD 650 each will be awarded (based on scientific merits and on a competitive basis) to members to defray the cost of travel and registration to ASPCR 2016. Travel awardees will also be given complimentary tickets to the Gala Dinner.
1. To be eligible for the Award, an applicant must be a current and active member of ASPCR (2016 annual fee paid);
2. Must register as a paid participant to the congress before the Award application;
2. Priority will be given to junior clinicians/researchers or residents/trainees of age 35 years and below;
3. Applicant must be the first and presenting author of the submitted work;
4. Selection of the awardees will be based on the scientific merits of the submitted abstract, and will be determined by the Travel Award Committee of ASPCR2016 whose decision is final.
Interested ASPCR members are kindly requested to submit the following documents by 15 September 2016 to derma.email@msa.hinet.net
1. Brief CV;
2. PDF copy of the submitted abstract, already registered in the ASPCR2016 abstract system;
3. Personal statement indicating why ASPCR should support his/her attendance to the Congress;
4. Supporting letter from Head of Department or Supervisor indicating the candidate’s training/vocational position.